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Usage Guide for

Use this script to filter values, after using the script, by applying a calibrated wavelet denoising to the space-time shoreline data.

The script reads a CSV file containing shoreline data and applies a calibrated wavelet filter to the data to filter out unstructured noise. The processed data is saved to a new CSV file, and a comparison plot of the original and filtered data matrices is generated and saved.

Need Help

To view the help documentation for the script, use the following command:

python --help

Command line arguments

  • -f: Sets the file (csv) to be analyzed
More details The csv format file shoule contain shoreline positions in each cell, with rows as time and columns as transects
  • -p: If 1, make a plot
More details A flag to make (or suppress) a plot


Example #1: Basic Usage

This example filters the values from the transect_time_series_coastsat_inpainted.csv file using the default parameters:

python -f "/path/to/SDStools/example_data/transect_time_series_coastsat_inpainted.csv" -p 1 

Here's an example screenshot Screenshot from 2024-05-22 11-57-23

The (optional) plot is created. This shows the data as a 2d matrix of shoreline positions as a function of time and transect. This plot is purely for QA/QC purposes and is not intended to be a publication ready figure. This merely shows the data, as a convenience:

Screenshot from 2024-05-22 11-57-57