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SDS Tools

Welcome to SDS tools!


SDS tools is a comprehensive suite of tools designed for the robust analysis of time series shoreline data. It provides functionalities for filtering outliers, conducting in-depth data analysis, and identifying trends, thereby enabling more accurate and reliable shoreline data interpretation.

This website and the code is currently under active development.

SDS analysis/post-processing scripts available for use

  1. Removes outliers from time series data using the Hampel filter applicable for raw_transect_time_series.csv & tidally_corrected_transect_time_series.csv. This takes a csv file of time (rows) versus transects (columns) and outputs a new csv file in the same format.

  2. Use this script to fill in the missing values after using the script to remove outliers from the time series data. This takes a csv file of time (rows) versus transects (columns) and outputs a new csv file in the same format.

  3. Use this script to detrend each transect relative to a stable initial value. This takes a csv file of time (rows) versus transects (columns) and outputs a new csv file in the same format.

  4. Use this script to statistically analyze data after using the script to analyze the time series data. This generates one csv file that contains statistics per transect, and an npz file that contains 2d arrays of linear trend, autocorrelation, etc. This takes a csv file of time (rows) versus transects (columns) and outputs a new csv file in the same format.

  5. Use this script to denoise an inpainted SDS matrix using a Morlet wavelet (experimental). This results in a smoother dataset, but carries out filtering in both space and time.

Auxiliary scripts available for use

  1. Use this script to download a time-series of bulk wave statistics at a single point, using a geoJSON polygon as input

  2. Use this script to download a time-series of bulk wave statistics over a 2d grid, using a geoJSON polygon as input

  3. Use this script to download a topobathymetric map at approx ~3m resolution, and store as a geoTIFF. Takes geoJSON polygon as input

  4. Use this script to download a topobathymetric map at approx ~3m resolution, and store as a geoTIFF. Takes geoTIFF, e.g. a CoastSeg image, as input

  5. Saves the tidally corrected time series for each transect with intersections with the shoreline

  6. Saves the raw time series for each transect with intersections with the shoreline

Test script is a utility script for testing all scripts using example datasets